Saturday, September 8, 2018


Hello Western Hills Community,

I would like to thank all of our faculty, staff, and students for persevering through the heat over the last couple of weeks.  I was impressed as I walked through the building and saw students and staff working with very few complaints about the heat. Western Hills students and teachers always rise to the occasion!

Open House

We look forward to meeting all of you at our Open House.  Sixth and seventh grade Open House is on September 26th at 7:00 and eighth grade Open House is on September 27th, also at 7:00. On those nights, parents will be able to hear from your child’s teachers and from the administration as well. More information will be coming out as we get closer to those dates.

Dropping/Adding Courses

Some students have been going to the Guidance Office or emailing us about switching into or out of particular classes.  We will certainly be open to listening to students and parents about possible changes. However, please know that, after September 21st, it will be very unlikely that we will switch any courses.  Also, some students have been asking to switch Pathways courses. At this point, many of the more popular courses are full. In the case of the more popular courses, we have given preference to 8th grade students.  The reason being that 6th and 7th grade students still have another year or two to take those courses.


Our fall sports season has begun and the teams are getting underway.  The girls’ soccer team is in place and the boys’ team will be making final cuts in the coming days.  The cross country team has been training in all types of weather (heat, rain…) as they prepare for their first meet. This season, Western Hills will be hosting cross country meets for the first time in years, including the City Championship!  The Unified Cross Country team had their first practice and they are looking forward to their first meet as well.


If you have not already done so, please return the Emergency Care Cards and the signed pages from the student planner (pages 1-2, 48-50).  Although there is an Emergency contact page on Aspen, we are still collecting the hard copy Emergency Care Cards. We not quite at the point where we are able to go completely digital with that.

Don’t forget that there is no school on Monday and Wednesday of this upcoming week.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Tim Vesey, Principal