Thursday October 20th
Hello everyone,
Due to the forecast of rain for tomorrow, we are postponing the Walkathon until Tuesday, 10/25. The good news is that this gives you more time to turn in permission slips and donations. As of this morning, we have raised 10,613.37. We would love to get to $11,000 by Tuesday. If we reach that goal, I will open up the VIP Lounge for an additional day next week during lunch.
Tim Vesey, Principal
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Tuesday 10/25/ 2016
Rain or
Walkathon is our one major fundraiser
of the year.Please support this activity so that we can
continue to provide and enhance both the educational and recreational
activities for our students!
**All proceeds will directly benefit WHMS Students
Please fill out the
attached permission/sponsor form and
return it (signed) to the
school by Tuesday, October 25th.
-Students who do NOT hand
in a completed permission slip,
will remain indoors and will not be able to participate.
-The students will walk at 9:00 am for about 30
minutes around the Cranston West track
Please wear sneakers and
school colors!
Contests and Prizes
For every $25 donated, you will be entered to win a $25 Warwick Mall Gift
$25 = 1 chance, $50 = 2 chances, $75 = 3 chances, etc.)
to be held the morning of the walk ( 10/21)
If you donate $50 or more, you will also receive a
special WHMS Walkathon t-shirt (will be
handed out in homeroom about 2 weeks after the walk)
3. The6th
,7th , and 8th grade homerooms that collect the most donations
willreceive a pizza party.
Top Seller Prizes: Warwick Mall Gift Cards: 1st
Place: $200; 2nd Place:
$100; 3rd Place: $50
Many companies will match your
charitable donations. Please remember to check to see if your company provides
this incentive. Your human resources department would know and could supply you
with the proper form to be sent in with your donation. This is a great way to
double your donation! Some local companies that offer a matching gift program are:
●Bank of America ●Citizens Bank ●Merrill Lynch ●Fidelity Investments ● UPS ●Verizon ● Walmart
To Download a printable copy and permission slip please click links below
To Download a printable copy and permission slip please click links below
If you have
any questions or would like to help out, please contact:
Ginolfi- PTO President at 401- 465-8716 (